Throughout the year, Virginia Athletics Foundation (VAF) members and fans of Virginia Athletics are invited to participate in special events. These include, but are not limited to, the VAF spring and fall social tours, special milestone celebrations, sport-specific events, facility dedications, postseason events, reunions, golf tournaments, and participation in the University of Virginia’s Reunions weekends.
Milestone Celebration
The Virginia Athletics Foundation honors each of its donors who reach their 40th and 50th consecutive years of giving to the Foundation. Donor giving histories have been officially recorded since 1971, with the first donors reaching their 40th consecutive year of giving in 2010 and their 50th consecutive year of giving in 2020.
All-Sports Reunion
The All-Sports Reunion brings student-athlete alumni back to the University for a weekend of planned activities such as an all-inclusive tailgate surrounding a football game and sport-specific events. During the football game, ACC and NCAA Championship teams who reach their 10-, 25- and 40-year anniversaries are recognized. The VAF hosts Reunions with planned events every other year but provides football game tickets on the opposite years.
Graduation Socials
In celebration of their academic achievement, student-athletes receiving their degrees are recognized each year by UVA Athletics Academic Affairs and the Virginia Athletics Foundation at an Honor Cord Presentation and Graduation Social. The Social is typically held the Friday before graduation for graduates and their families, coaches, and supporting athletic staff.
Sport-Specific Events
The VAF staff assists each team with events important to their programs. These may include fundraisers, golf tournaments, reunions, kickoff events, on-field recognitions, celebratory events, away and home game tailgates, or special gatherings.