The Virginia Athletics Foundation (VAF) Board of Trustees includes 29 individuals who play a vitally important role in the financial support of Virginia Athletics and the long-term planning, oversight, and direction of VAF, as well as setting policy and guidelines for the donor base.

Rachel W. Sheridan
(McLean, VA)

Vice President
Marvin Bush

Past President
Franklin S. Edmonds, Jr.
(Charlottesville, VA)
Mia M. Bass
(Washington, DC)
Rich Booth
(Charlottesville, VA)
Marvin P. Bush
(Arlington, VA)
Valerie Camillo
(McLean, VA)
Doug Duenkel
(Great Falls, VA)
Ned Durden
(Charlotte, NC)
W. Heywood Fralin
(Roanoke, VA)
Michael S. Geismar
(Charlottesville, VA)
Marvin W. Gilliam, Jr.
(Bristol, VA)
Raleigh Anne Gray
(Charlotte, NC)
Katherine L. Heilpern
(New York, NY)
Yusef D. Jackson
(Chicago, IL)
Lauren Lacey
(Hershey, PA)
Mark M. Luellen
(Charlottesville, VA)
Tim Naughton
(Charlottesville, VA)
Juliana S. O’Reilly
(McLean, VA)
Craig W. Packer
(New York, NY)
Barry L. Parkhill
(Charlottesville, VA)
Andrew S. Peskin
(Manakin Sabot, VA)
Jill Royster
(Santa Monica, CA)
Anne Carter Smith
(Charlotte, NC)
Alexander Wellford Tabor
(Charlotte, NC)
Ashley Widger
(Swarthmore, PA)
Carla G. Williams
(Charlottesville, VA)