Sport Enhancement Funds are designed to encourage passionate donors to support the sports program of their choice by providing resources essential to that program’s overall operation (excluding athletics scholarships). While each sport program operates within a base budget, there are often strategic priorities that need additional funding, such as recruiting, strength and conditioning, nutrition, player development, coaching staff retention, and equipment.

These funds will provide sports programs with the resources needed to operate a nationally competitive program. The Director of Athletics will work with the head coach to determine the most effective way to utilize the funds.

Gifts to Sport Enhancement Funds do not qualify for donor benefits but do count toward the lifetime giving portion of Priority Point calculations and are a way for donors to support the programs they are passionate about above and beyond their Annual Fund contributions. Annual Fund gifts are required for donor benefits including priority seating, priority parking, post-season ticket access, etc.

Click the links below to make a gift towards one or more sports: